Share valuations

We will ensure the most tax efficient approach is taken.

For a variety of reasons, you may need to ascertain the monetary value or stocks and shares in unquoted companies.  Some examples might be to issue share options to employees, or be due to change in ownership when shares are transferred between different parties.  Some reasons may be less obvious but for whatever reason you need to take the advice of an expect as share valuations can be complex and expert knowledge is required in ensuring the most tax efficient approach is taken and for compliance and legislation reasons. 

Edmund Carr can help with:

  • Calculations for CGT or IHT purposes
  • Valuations of a deceased persons interest for probate and IHT purposes
  • To ascertain individuals assets in divorce situations
  • Understanding the full extent of an individual or family’s financial affairs
  • Communicating with HMRC Shares and Assets Valuations (SAV) Department.

Please contact Debbie Wakefield or Alison McDowall  or call 01245 261818 for more information.


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Edmund Carr, 146 New London Road, Chelmsford, Essex CM2 0AW.

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Registered to carry on audit work in the UK and regulated for a range of investment business activities by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Registered with The Chartered Institute of Taxation as a firm of Chartered Tax Advisers.

Stewart P Martin | Debbie J Wakefield | Thomas C York FCCA | Sandra A Morrell FCCA | Alison J McDowall | Stephen C Drain

Edmund Carr is registered in England & Wales. Registered office address: 146 New London Road, Chelmsford, Essex CM2 0AW. Registered Company number: OC333955.