Many firms still facing recruitment problems

Many UK firms are still facing hiring issues as a result of challenging economic conditions, according to a report from the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC).

Many UK firms are still facing hiring issues as a result of challenging economic conditions, according to a report from the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC).

73% of firms surveyed by the BCC reported having recruitment problems, with businesses in the hospitality sector the most likely to report challenges.

The construction and manufacturing industries are also experiencing issues, and 72% of retail businesses said they have had recruitment problems.

Adverse economic conditions are restricting investment in workplace training, the BCC found.

Jane Gratton, Deputy Director of Public Policy at the BCC, said:

'The scale of the recruitment crisis remains huge, despite a welcome fall in the number of firms reporting hiring problems.

'We have just under a million job vacancies in the economy, and skills shortages are damaging businesses' ability to operate profitably – as well as impacting the wellbeing and morale of remaining staff.

'Businesses and the government need to work together to resolve this problem. Bringing more people back into the workforce, with rapid retraining programmes and comprehensive support, will help. While many employers remain sharply focused on investment in training, most businesses need more help to get the workforce skills they need.'

Internet link: BCC website


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